Feb 7, 20241 min read
N Bar S Microgreens catches up to the digital times
Well, we about to enter our third year of business so it was about time we got a website! And we did! It wasn't nearly as bad as we were...
Helena, Montana's premier
year-round farm!
Microgreens are known to be some of the most nutrient dense foods on our planet. Many foods we eat have had much of the nutrition feed the entire plant, which we don't always consume. But with microgreens, we get the full benefit of what nature has to offer!
“We eat first with our eyes.” Ever since Apicius said these words, people have striven for a full eating experience. And microgreens deliver with unique colors and textures
Microgreens broaden flavor horizons. They elevate any dish with their bold, sharp, crisp, and extraordinary flavor.